Friday, June 4, 2010

I Promised

I know, I promised to show you these a long time ago, but I was so hyped up on the Prince of Persia stuff. Well, here they are now, my final compositions that made it into the county art show this year(I've got stuff in it for three years now.)

Hopefully the first one is Aang from Avatar and the second is my magnificent mannequin drawing. I've been screwing up the picture formatting lately, though I don't know why. Anyways, back to my stuff, Aang was sketched then painted, though I'm not sure what kind of paint. My former art teacher, Mrs. Henke(HI!) said it wasn't acrylic, and that it was a really tough one to use. The name just isn't coming up right now.
So, my second one, nicknamed Manny by my peers, was my pride and joy when I got it completed. And though I didn't see him for five months while my teacher stored him for the show, it was well worth it to hear the praise at his arrival. It's drawn in one of my best mediums, graphite(power to the pencils!), and a paint brush was used to smudge the shading. That technique is great, if you're wondering.
Going back to PoP, I found out that the sequels to Sands of Time, Warrior Within and The Two Thrones(both sound epic), are rated M. So I can't out and buy them on my own now! From what I hear on the IGN review, Warrior Within doesn't quite live up to the Prince of Persia name, but on the other review, Two Thrones knocks that one on its tail, but still doesn't comply with Sands of Time. That's the one I'm most interested in, because the Prince's story, saving his girl, whooping the baddies, is infused with an internal conflict, taking the form of a dark prince(:-0). The Wii game Rival Swords is an extended, less gory version of the same game that I will definitely be buying, along with Forgotten Sands.

My next composition should be up here the next time I post. 'Til then!

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